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Joyful Surprises Within

Our weekend was spent weeding and getting the garden “under control.” We also planted the final round of crops for the season. While working in each area, we were pleased to see different pumpkins, squash and gourds growing. It truly is fun to see natures beauty unveiled from egg plant to peppers to cucumbers and potatoes. There are a lot of joyful surprises within. Sometimes you just need to look a little harder.

This week, we hope you to find joyful surprises within. “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

Garden Science

This week was fair week for the boys…virtual fair week that is. It did not deter Keith from entering a vegetable box consisting of peas, green beans, beets, kohlrabi, carrots and summer squash. Honestly, pulling together a uniform box of vegetables is a time consuming process. We are proud of him for making this effort.

Pick-Up and Delivery

Boxes of Produce

This list is prepared before we harvest your share. Some guesswork is involved! We do our best to predict which crops will be ready to harvest, but sometimes crops are on the list that are not in the share, and sometimes crops will be in the share even though they’re not on the list. Remember food safety in your kitchen when preparing, always wash your hands before working with your produce and always wash your produce before eating.

Outrageous Red Lettuce and Black Seeded Simpson – So grateful this crop seems to thrive on dry weather. Lovely color for sandwiches and salads.

Carrots – A few to enjoy raw, in a salad or in a fresh cooked veggie dish. When they are fresh out of the garden like this, I don’t worry about peeling. I simply wash and eat raw or slice and add to a salad.

Purple Kohlrabi – love the color.

Kohlrabi – Two varieties this week: purple and giant duke. Cut off the bottom and the top, peel them and cut up like an apple. I love to eat them dipped in peanut butter.

OnionsEnjoy the Patterson, purple or Walla Walla onions in your boxes.

Super Sugar Snap Peas – Second planting of this crop – Eat the pods and peas all together. Eat raw or sautee. Great snack.

Detroit Dark Red Beets – The entire plant is edible – that includes the leaves. Here are some ideas from Martha Stewart on how to use your beets.


Cucumbers – I don’t know about you, but I love the smell of cucumbers. This joyous vegetable is coming into its own. Enjoy with or without the skin on.

Green Beans – The first crop struggled to get out of the ground. We have a few subsequent crops that are coming into their own.

Sunburst Patty Pan Summer Squash – Sunburst is a beautiful butter yellow scallop-type squash. Each fruit is accented with a small dark green ring. The mild, white flesh remains tender and firm. Best used when harvested and eaten at around 3″ across. Here are some ways from Martha Stewart to use and prepare this vegetable.

Zucchini – Wash the zucchini and eat with or without the skin on. Here are a few ways to use it.

Potatoes – Yukon Gold’s buttery flavor ads wonderful color to any meal whether you bake or cook it. Check out this week’s recipe below.

Some of you have taken these plants home and rooted them into a pot. Some are taking them home and making pesto. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

Basil – An herb I enjoy using when grilling or making tomato sauce. Learn from Martha Stewart some tips and tricks.

Cilantro – Wash and enjoy. Freeze extra by placing in ice cube trays and running water over them and freeze. A good way to use later in soups and other dishes. Check out these ideas from Martha Stewart on how to use this herb.

A beautiful array of colors this week to chose from. We hope they brighten your dat.

Arrangement – A variety of flowers including lilies and zinnias.

Recipe of the Week

Sliced Potatoes

  1. Cover the grate of the grill with aluminum foil.
  2. Turn the grill on to preheat. 
  3. Cut potatoes into ⅓’ or ½’ wedges.
  4. Brush potato slices with olive oil and sprinkle with dried thyme and dried oregano.
  5. Lay potato wedges over aluminum foil on the grill.
  6. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Grill wedges to desired tenderness, turning occasionally.


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